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Mamta Bhatt, RMT
Mamta Bhatt, Co-Owner
Mamta Bhatt is a Registered Massage Therapist (R.M.T.) and a member of College of Massage therapists of Ontario (C.M.T.O.), a Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery and a registered Yoga Teacher and has a vast experience of providing healing with Homeopathic method in vast range of acute and chronic diseases for more than 2 decades.
More about Mamta Bhatt’s Massage experience
Pay Online
Massage Therapy
30 minutes, $40 / 45 minutes, $60 / 60 minutes, $75 / 90 minutes, $ 100
30 minutes, $30 / 60 minutes, $60
Reiki Healing
30 minutes, $40 / 60 minutes, $70
Homeopathic Consultation
Consultation $60 / Follow up Consultation $40
Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathic Consultation with 1 month supply of Homeopathic Remedies :$90
Therapeutic Yoga and Meditation
Therapeutic Yoga and Meditation (Price depends on the number of participants in the class), for small groups of 3-6 participants.
Prashant Bhatt
Prashant Bhatt, Co-Owner
Mr. Bhatt is the co-owner of Candlestick Massage Therapy and a health professional. He is an intellectual with deep interests in diverse subjects from politics to philosophy, photography, travelling, cultures, management and spirituality. His deep insight ,experience of working with people of many cultures helped our clinic idea to take birth and then on is continuously is shaped up by his inputs.
More about Mr. Bhatt’s worldwide acheivements