What to Expect in Counselling

Working Collaboratively

We adopt a non-imposing stance and work in collaboration with our clients, truly believing that the clients are experts in their own lives and need our help to remove barriers in the way of their healing. We offer our expertise in the field of mental health and help clients with cutting-edge and evidence-based therapeutic tools to promote their strengths, and resilience and help them disable maladaptations presenting themselves as anxiety, depression, relational conflicts, addictions, anger, self-hatred, feelings of worthlessness and so on. Hence counselling/psychotherapy can be best understood as teamwork where teammates collaborate with their unique strengths and different expertise and work towards common goals.


We believe that many of our problems arise from using the same coping styles we used in past to overcome trauma. Depending on the magnitude and impact of the trauma in the present life, we collaborate with our clients to work on the goals that are important to them. E.g. for some processing the past trauma might be important whereas for others increasing awareness about the trauma and its impact on their current behaviours to be able to change them to change their future might be important. We help our clients to make sense of and come to terms with their reality so that they can enjoy life in the “here and now” or the present moment.

Changing the Narrative by Creating hope, Meaning and Purpose

We are protagonists in our lives and all of us have a unique story about ourselves that connects various elements such as our childhood, family of origin, culture, values, biases, beliefs, aspirations, upbringing, unique experiences, learnings, hopes, expectations, attachment styles with parents, siblings, spouses, extended family, friends and others and so on. Many times our clients are stuck in a narrative that has stopped working for them and they are unable to see themselves as protagonists anymore due to failures, losses and injustices that lead to hopelessness, lack of self-worth and self-doubt which leads to a feeling of meaninglessness, hopelessness and lack of joy in their lives. We meet our clients where they are and help them to claim their agency and rewrite a narrative full of hope, meaning and joy of living. After successful completion of therapy, clients can take charge of their lives leading to a changed narrative and living life meaningfully, with hope and courage.


We are experts in the field of mental health who use coaching and psychoeducation strategies to help our clients with meaningful and relevant knowledge and skills. We believe that no amount of coaching is useful without the participants contributing to it by doing homework and applying skills learnt in the session in their day-to-day lives. We recommend homework to be able to continue working on the goals outside the therapy session. We strongly believe in the proverb “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Our goal is to impart the necessary skills, and expertise and encourage the creation of new habits by repetition in our clients to be able to slowly wean off from the counsellor and function as the therapist for themselves!
