Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

Helps to create awareness and insight into one’s problems. Counselling and psychotherapy are a process of examining one’s problems like a witness with the therapist, who is an objective, empathetic and active listener, whose non-judgemental attitude and expertise in mental health lead to client empowerment and healing.

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Recommended length of session is between 50-75 minutes at least initially as that allows the therapist to conduct a detailed investigation into clients’ problems. However, the therapist always collaborates with their clients to determine the ideal session length to suit the client’s needs, comfort and goals.

Number of Sessions

This varies from client to client, the goals of the therapy and the chronicity of the problems. Often a single session is very beneficial, whereas persons with deep-seated psychological/psychiatric ailments might need therapy for a longer duration. We highly recommend a course of 10-12 once-a-week sessions lasting for a minimum of fifty minutes to achieve a significant reduction of mental health problems, for achieving psychological growth and well-being.

Areas of Focus for Individuals

Meet Our Individual Therapists

Mamta Bhatt

Registered Psychotherapist, RP (Qualifying)
Registered Massage Therapist (RMT)
Masters in Psychology

Prashant Bhatt

Registered Psychotherapist, RP
Registered Massage Therapist (RMT)
Masters in Psychology
