Author: Admin

  • Registered Massage Therapy

    Registered Massage Therapy

    Brings people with similar problems to come together in a safe environment which is facilitated by a group leader. The group helps members to bond and learn valuable skills together and grow together with each other’s support.

  • Family Therapy

    Family Therapy

    Family is the unit and the foundation of our society. Understanding the family as a system and improving its function by improving teamwork is facilitated by the family therapist.

  • Couple Therapy

    Couple Therapy

    Couple therapy helps you improve the quality of the relationship with your spouse or partner by improving communication, emotional bonding, intimacy, addressing differences and resolving relational barriers.

  • Individual Therapy

    Individual Therapy

    Helps to create awareness and insight into one’s problems. Counselling and psychotherapy are a process of examining one’s problems like a witness with the therapist, who is an objective, empathetic and active listener, whose non-judgemental attitude and expertise in mental health lead to client empowerment and healing.
